Community centers and resources

Many individuals find a sense of belonging through participation in community/affinity spaces. This page does not exhaustively cover the multitude of intersecting communities at UC Berkeley, but it is a starting point for people to find affinity and community, especially those who are members of groups historically marginalized or underrepresented at the university.

Some resources differ for students and employees. On this page, you can jump to:

Student resources | Employee resources | Campuswide resources & initiatives

Student resources

Resource for students


CalLink is the online central hub for Registered Student Organizations at UC Berkeley, including identity-based and affinity spaces.

Resource for students

Residential Life Theme Programs

Residential Life Theme Programs bring together students with a shared identity, interest, or academic area into unique living and learning environments.

Resource for students

Graduate Division Inclusive Excellence Hub

For graduate students: The Graduate Division's Inclusive Excellence Hub is a unique, welcoming venue where underrepresented graduate students can find camaraderie and build multi-disciplinary networks of their peers.

Employee resources

Staff Organizations

Employees are encouraged to join identity-based organizations, which offer a safe space on campus to share, support, and learn about each other. They include: 


Asian Pacific American Systemwide Alliance (APASA)

Black Staff and Faculty Organization (BSFO)

Filipinx Faculty and Staff Association (FFSA)

Middle Eastern, North African, South Asian (MENASA) 

Native and Indigenous Council (NAIC) 

Office for Faculty Equity and Welfare

For faculty, the Office for Faculty Equity and Welfare helps convene identity gatherings as part of Faculty Link.

Campuswide diversity, equity, and inclusion offices or initiatives

Resource available for all

Division of Equity and Inclusion

Initiatives include:

Becoming an Anti-Racist Campus

Thriving Initiatives

People & Culture Office of Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging

The Office of Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging (DEIB), a department within People & Culture, fosters community and engagement for staff.

Resource available for all

Antisemitism Education Initiative

The Center for Jewish Studies website has information on the campus Antisemitism Education initiative.

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