Misuse & conflicts of interest (University resources)

Some, but not all, guidance about University policies related to conflicts of interest are collected on the UC Berkeley Compliance Services website. For assistance with issues related to the University or with unethical and improper conduct, the Ombuds offices are a good place to start. Ombuds offices are neutral and confidential. Some resources differ for students and employees.

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Ombuds offices can provide support, help with understanding options, and assistance navigating university processes.

Resource available for all

UC Whistleblower Hotline

Anyone can report conflicts of interest/commitment and/or the waste/misuse of University resources to the UC Whistleblower Hotline

Employee resources

Staff Ombuds Office

For staff, non-Senate academics, and faculty who perform management functions, please contact the Staff Ombuds Office (confidential).

Faculty Ombuds Office

For faculty, please contact the Faculty Ombuds Office (confidential).

Student and postdoc resources

Resource for students

The Ombuds Office for Students and Postdoctoral Appointees

For students and postdoctoral appointees, please contact the Ombuds Office for Students & Postdoctoral Appointees (confidential).