Mental health

Seeking help when you or someone you know is struggling with mental health is an act of courage and care. Please know that support is available. Some resources differ for students and employees.

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Resources for all

Resource available for all

Campus Mobile Crisis Response (CMCR)

The CMCR team provides culturally responsive trauma-informed care to students, faculty, and staff experiencing mental health crises (urgent, but not emergent (life threatening)). The CMCR provides crisis de-escalation, intervention and assessment; welfare checks; urgent postvention support; on-campus and off-campus referrals; and support or coordinate transportation as needed. 

Resource available for all

Academic Accommodations Hub

Students may request flexibility or academic adjustments due mental health concerns, significant familial distress, or grief or bereavement. Guidance for instructors is also available. 

Student resources

Resource for students

University Health Services

If you are not sure where to begin for your mental health or feel overwhelmed, the Getting Started with Your Mental Health webpage from University Health Services can be a good place to start.

Students may receive mental health support at Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) and/or Social Services. The UHS website also provides resources for mental health crisis support

Employee and postdoc resources

Be Well at Work - Employee Assistance

Povides no-cost confidential counseling and referral for UC Berkeley faculty, staff, visiting scholars, and postdocs. It is also the employee assistance program for the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory.

Wellness resources for visiting scholars and postdocs

From the Visiting Scholar and Postdoc Affairs unit.